About the Tony Buzan University

At the heart of Tony Buzan University lies a pioneering vision that integrates the rich fields of neuroscience with the art and science of leadership, creating a unique educational experience aimed at equipping the next generation of leaders with the tools they need to thrive in the 21st century.

This distinct approach places us at the forefront of educational innovation, where the development of core thinking skills—critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity—is not just encouraged but deeply embedded in our curriculum.

As the AI revolution reshapes our professional and personal landscapes, our university stands as a beacon for those who seek to not only navigate this new world but to lead it.

By harnessing the latest in neuroscience research, we offer our students unparalleled insights into the workings of their own minds, empowering them with the strategies to leverage their cognitive capabilities to the fullest. At Tony Buzan University, we're not just preparing students for the future; we're preparing them to shape it.


Excellence in Leadership and Transformation at
Tony Buzan University

We are committed to sculpting the future by meticulously selecting and nurturing the finest minds, preparing them to be the vanguards of human, innovation, and digital transformations. Our university stands as a beacon of excellence, uniquely integrating the principles of neuroscience with the art of leadership to empower our students with unparalleled core thinking abilities.

We are dedicated to fostering a new era of leaders—individuals equipped with the acumen to navigate the complexities of the 21st century and drive meaningful change across human transformation (HTx), innovation transformation (ITx), and digital transformation (DTx) landscapes.

By joining our elite community, students embark on a transformative journey, gaining the skills, insights, and vision to spearhead initiatives that will redefine industries and enhance societal well-being in the face of the AI revolution.

The Tony BuzanLegacy

And now the legacy will be perpetuated by this University which uses a blend of core Tony’s teachings, the latest neuroscience discoveries, the 

Tony's three core beliefs

Tony Buzan beliefs

His first belief was that an operations manual was needed for the human brain, not its medical functions, but the way it works. The next was that every human has a spark of genius within, but the problem was to ignite it. Tony’s third and final insight was his invention of the Mind Map, a tool for portraying thoughts, plans and ideas, which bypassed conventional academic norms. The Mind Map is predicated on radiant thinking, spreading out from a dominant central concept, utilizing color, dimension and association.

Tony's Books of Accumulated Wisdom

Tony's Book of Accumulated Wisdom

Tony went on to write over 140 books , translated into 40 languages, as well as lecturing around the world and making numerous TV programmes about his ideas.

He was an enthusiastic player of mental games, such as chess and go, and a near Olympic standard rower on his favourite stretch of The Thames at Marlow, where he often skulled with Sir Steve Redgrave.

The Power of Memory

The Power of Memory

 The perception that the Mind Map also promoted memory drew Tony towards the foundation of the world memory championship at London in 1991. This was won (for the first of eight times) by the dyslexic Dominic O Brien.

Growing from just eight entrants in 1991 to over three hundred entrants, the 2018 world championship was won by a 14-year-old Chinese girl, Wei Qinrun.

Both victors exemplified Tony’s belief that everyone possesses that immortal spark of genius, which merely awaits the right flame to set it in motion.

Headmaster of the Human Race

Headmaster of the Human Race

Having known Tony for thirty years, and written his biography, what struck us most about him was his inner child. It was clear that his own school experiences had marked him deeply and left an indelible impression. Throughout his life Tony repeatedly positioned himself as the headmaster of the human race. Indeed, one of his numerous unfinished books at his death was an ambitious report card on the human race, marking humanity out of 100 on such topics as the environment, education, peace, economics, race and gender relations ad infinitum. Another was an exploration into animal intelligence, a subject which constantly absorbed him.

HIS SPECIALITY WAS THE BRAIN: how could insects with micro brains achieve such feats of organisation as, for example, evinced by ants and termites, or arachnids such as the Portia spider?

In Search of Genius

In Search of Genius 

Unsurprisingly, Tony found himself particularly at ease with kids, and one of his triumphs was the TV series In Search of Genius, in which Tony, on camera, took a class of wild school children and converted them over six programmes into model pupils.

Tutor for Michael Jackson

Tutor for Michael Jackson 

 In contrast, at the elite end of the spectrum, Tony once received a mysterious phone call inviting him first class, no expense spared, to a desert hideout in Bahrain; sworn to secrecy, Tony was greeted by none other than Michael Jackson, who asked Tony to teach mental literacy, mind mapping, memory and speed reading, to the megastar’s offspring.

Waking the Sleeping Giant

Waking the Sleeping Giant -
Your Brain 

Tony’s enduring legacy will be those generations of readers of his books and attendees at his lectures who found unsuspected depths within themselves and were inspired to maximise what Tony frequently referred to as that sleeping giant – the human brain. Our website will make available all of Tony’s in print books, as well as regular issues of new Tony books which he was in the act of completing at his sad and premature passing.

Buzan Unioversity Executive Team

     Chairman of the Board     

Chief Executive Officer

Vam Askari
MS in Business




Vice President - Buzan Academy






As known worldwide,
Tony Buzan is the inventor of the Mind Map.

Tony discovered how to use brain science to dramatically improve learning, creativity, understanding, and memory in everyone, regardless of age, gender, faith, race or starting point.

His proven training techniques and mind enhancing tools have liberated and unlocked the potential for thousands of people, transforming lives and making them more productive, more secure, and more dynamic and creative.

Our goal is to make Mind Mapping, Memory Training, Creativity, Learning How to Learn, and Intelligent Reading available to everyone through online and in person training using AI tools that transform the everyday brain into extraordinary minds.




discovered how to use brain science to dramatically improve learning, creativity, understanding, and memory in everyone, regardless of age or starting point.

His proven techniques and mind

enhancing tools have unlocked the

potential for millions of people,

transforming lives and making them

more productive, more secure, and

more capable.

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